Friday, 2 August 2013

Why Rahul Gandhi For PM Is An Obvious Choice

Rahul Gandhi as Congress Vice President has shown that he is not only fit to lead the country to prosperity and peace, but will become an effective Prime Minister when elected in 2014. He has a lot more going for him than just an impeccable political pedigree. 

Influential Support

He has had support which will stand him in good stead. It includes the former British PM, Tony Blair, who praised his talent and political experience.

More recently, the senior BJD leader, Lalu Prasad Yadav has supported his candidature by remarking that he is the most promising among all candidates. He also vowed to do all in his power to prevent other candidates, Modi and Avandi from becoming the next PM.

In addition, Narayana Murthy the chairman of Infosys has said that Rahul Gandhi is committed to fighting poverty and would make an ideal PM.

The Farmers in Uttar Pradesh

On the active political front in meeting constituents, Rahul Gandhi has been very proactive in supporting the farmers in Uttar Pradesh. This was clearly evident after the police shoot-out at the farmers. Gandhi has sharply criticised Mayawati policies and has demanded that farmers should be compensated for controversial land sales.

He was also present at a fertilizer godown in Jhansi when he visited Bundelkhand. There have been many cases of unscrupulous merchants dealing in fake organic fertilizers which are worthless to farmers. Rahul Gandhi identified this problem and supported the interests of the farmers.  
Recently about the importance of introducing welfare policies and structures which must include the poor.

He has encouraged his young supporters to start empowering processes and to try and cut through the bureaucratic muddle. This speech was very well received and has enhanced his popularity among the young party members and Indian youth in general.

Local structural reform will make India more prosperous

At the recent meeting of the Confederation of Indian Industries, (CII), Gandhi made an impassioned plea to give more power to the panchayats which are the village administrations. That will be key to helping economic growth without having to go through Parliament which could concentrate on bigger issues to promote the economy at this time of recession and slowed growth.

Relations with China and Foreign Policy

He has spoken sharply about the differences in foreign policy between China and India. Instead of muscling in because of economic strength, like China does, India's approach will be different. By using its power and influence in a more diplomatic and supportive fashion, this will pay handsome dividends in the future and is the right path for India to take.

In conclusion, there will be a great need for central government to take decisions which will positively impact the Indian economy. There will be a need to fight corruption and also create more jobs. When Rahul Gandhi is elected as PM, these undoubtedly will be his priorities together with improving welfare for the poor.